Communities are where the big church becomes small. They exist to provide a place to live out authentic relationships with other believers in a way not possible in the larger worship service.

Connect: Find ways to get more involved with the church and a place where believers can depend on each other.

Grow: Learn to apply the truth of the Gospel to new areas of your life and find small groups to take relationships to a deeper level.

Serve: Take ownership of your community, find places to lead in the church, and encounter different ways to be part of outreach and missions.

Join a group

Communities meet every week at 10:30 a.m.

Spring Quarter


Catalyst | E117
College & Career, 20’s | Interpreting Biblically-Difficult Passages | Community Leader: Randy Thompson

Common Ground | Choir Room
Young Families | 1 Peter | Community Leader: Taylor Lopez

Compass | E212
Intergenerational | The Word of God | Community Leader: Greg Buchalter

Cornerstone | L10
Intergenerational | Knowing and Worshipping God | Community Leader: Jonathan Anderson

Essentials | E214
Intergenerational | Practicing the Way | Community Leader: Dave Hampton

Happy Daze | LH
70s+ | Psalms | Community Leader: Bill McBride

Kingdom Builders | Gym
Intergenerational | But God … | Community Leader: Robert Spees

Koinonians | S3
60s - 70s | Reformed Church History | Community Leader: Bob Linden

Lighthouse | E115
Intergenerational | Genesis Story | Community Leaders: Jason Smathers, Randy Barringer

One Accord | S2
Newly Married | Humanity Liberated: Rediscovering What It Is to be Truly Human | Community Leaders: Tony & Jorrie McGee, Nick & Samara Myhrer, Steve Roth

Sojourners | S4
Intergenerational, 30s+ | Sola Scriptura: What We Believe and Why | Community Leader: Caleb McConnell


If you are new, or not currently involved in a Community, let us know you are coming. Click the link below.
We will meet you at the Welcome Center in the lobby and walk you to your group!